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Character Design for Kudopel

The imaginary world, Kudopel (CUHDDA-PULL), was born when eight-year-old Angelica was frustrated. She thought she was on the way to Toys”R”Us, but her Mom had to stop along the way to run a few errands. In her frustration, she decided to take control of the situation in the only way and eight-year-old can, by bending language to her will. She decided to call her Mom, “Bob.” Her little brother, Chris, agreed that “Bob,” was a great word to replace the much more boring word, “Mom.” From that day forward, they called their Mom, Bob. And the word stuck. Father’s are called Leipzigs or Leipziggy. At some point, saying the words Mom or Mommy (just like saying the words Dad or Daddy) became a crime punishable by jail time in Kudopel. In this defining moment, a language was born, and was soon followed by the imaginary country of Kudopel, that Angelica and Chris decided to locate on Mars.

There are many citizens of Kudopel, the but the most important, and those featured in the film, are the King and Queen, Angelica and Chris. Below is a drawing Angelica painted of herself and her brother, that will be animated in the film.

Kudopel grew over time, and came in handy when Angelica had to deal with bullies. A few of Angelica’s sculptures of notable real life bullies who became monsters in Kudopel, follow below.

Angelica says, “There are so many things wrong with Earth, I think that’s why my brother and I invented it, (Kudopel) so we could pretend we had this place to go.”While most childhood worldplay* games wither with age, Angelica and Chris, in their twenties, still share insider jokes about Kudopel, use Kudopel words, and share Kudopel stories, song and humor.

To learn more about Angelica, check out her brilliant fashion line, HakuAi Designs here. And, be sure to check out Chris’s acapella work, or for the gamers out there, follow him at Twitch.

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