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First Trailer Released! Watch It Now
The My Secret Country Teaser Trailer

Our new logo!
We’d like to thank graphic designer Audrey Jardin for her lovely work designing this logo.

The first animated scene
Behind the scenes at My Secret Country we are hard at work on animation. Animator Lealie Hayek, from Australia, is finalizing our first anim

Meredith’s Imaginary World Karland
Codes and Cipher’s were on Meredith’s mind in fourth grade. If you’re not sure what those are, think of Turing cracking the enigma code.

Participatory writing - the process behind My Secret Country
Check out the participatory writing process bringing My Secret Country to life. Max, Maxine and Doreanna are participants in the film...

Character Design: The Inner Critic
My Secret Country, the film, is all about world building, because we believe that if you can build alternate worlds, you’re that much...

Character Design for Kudopel
The imaginary world, Kudopel (CUHDDA-PULL), was born when eight-year-old Angelica was frustrated. She thought she was on the way to...

Character Design - The Goblin King
Another creature who is part of Verasigh, Doreanna’s imaginary world, is the Goblin King. Doreanna describes him like this: “His body...

Character Design - Vera
Part of our challenge in creating this film is staying as true as we can to each of the participants ideas of their imaginary worlds and...

Character Design - Milou, Devil Man & Bem
Maxine has “billions of imaginary friends,” in her imaginary world. With her incredible drawing skills, she sketched a few of them out...

Character Design - Scwigee
Scwigee is a dragon who is part turtle and part horse. He also happens to be 5-year old Max’s imaginary friend. Max first made this...

Kermit the Camera
My camera is named Kermit. Yesterday when I was filming with Max, his sister Opal and Mom, Allison, they gave Kermit some googley eyes to...
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