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Did you know that with imagination, you can make stress an ally?
Have you ever been stressed out before a big test or a presentation in front of your colleagues or classmates? You feel anxious. Nervous....

Did you know that the picture book Roxaboxen is based on the imaginary world invention of the author
The author Alice McLerran tells the story of neighborhood kids who created an imaginary town called Roxaboxen on a rocky hill strewn with...

Did you know that Charlotte Brontë wrote her first stories in tiny books?
As a child, Charlotte Brontë, (best known for her novel Jane Eyre,) and her sisters and brother played with twelve wooden soldiers they...

Did you know the first imaginary library was invented in the mid 1500′s?
The “very stately and magnifick” imaginary library invented by Alcofribas Nasier (an anagram of François Rabelais) was called St. Victor,...

Did you know that poet Galway Kinnell wrote a poem about imaginary friends when he was in his sixtie
In the poem, “Oatmeal,” Kinnell tells how he livens up a lonely breakfast. He invites the famous, but long-dead poet John Keats to share...
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